Forthcoming Collections and News
20th November 2019
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Hello supporters.
After a busy autumn period during which many schools, churches, companies and individuals kindly donated to food bank, we are looking to the lead up to Christmas. The donations received during the Harvest Festival period were significantly higher in weight when compared to last year’s collection, and we heartily thank all who have donated. Demand so far this year has increased in the order of 20%, and the increase in donations is well received. Representatives from the foodbank attended several school assemblies and a social club during the Harvest Festival season to give a presentation on the foodbank operations.
As we approach Christmas, we have started collecting items for our Christmas Bags. We hope to provide some festive fare in addition to our standard bags for our clients. Several organisations have organised collections for the foodbank, and in association with the Trussell Trust there will be a 3 day collection at the Tesco store in Boston (21st,22nd,23rd November). We ask of you, if you could spare an item of shopping, to donate at your local supermarkets and stores, or via the Parish of Boston, Boston Stump.
Of the standard items for our bags we are in need of:-
Long life Milk and Long Life Fruit Juices
Pasta Sauces
Tinned Fruit , Tinned Fish, Tinned Meats and vegetables
Tinned Rice Pudding / Custard
Sponge puddings
Tea Bags
Basic Toiletries :- shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste/brushes, loo rolls
For our Christmas Bags we ask for:-
Christmas Pudding/ Cake, white sauce
Selection boxes / stockings
Mince pies
Toiletry Gift sets
Should anyone wish to help us at the foodbank on a voluntary basis, please drop us an email.
Best wishes to all, and thank you for your support
Boston and Sutterton Foodbank